why does excitation quickly dissolve? simply for it has no place to stick anymore ~ it moves through freely, enjoyed for what it is, and is not clung to, for there is no felt-need to prolong it
this is comparable to the joy of orgasm; when over, lovers can relax in the after-glow, grateful
so, one living with-Grace, enjoys the experiences of life as expressions of One Life, One Being, One Truth
yet, he or she will feel most at-home in the natural state for that has become, so to speak, Home
again, referring to the boisterous ocean, on the surface changes move with varying degrees of intensity
yet, the ocean depths is calm, calm is its underlying, basic nature, so to speak
without the depths of calm in the ocean there would not be the jubilation on the surface ~ the excitation is grounded in the calm, not the opposite
we are welcomed to live in-Grace in full humanness, enjoying this world and its surface graces
and, ironically, we find we enjoy them more when these arise from our natural being in-Grace
stillness silence calm
*Brian K. Wilcox. "the calm remains." Flickr.
*(C) Copyright 2018. Brian K. Wilcox. Move cursor over photos for more details.